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Where can I ask questions about Bandada?

You can ask questions about Bandada in the PSE Discord, there is a channel for it called bandada or by opening a Bandada Discussion.

The most frequently asked questions will be listed below.

How can I start a project using Bandada?

There are 3 ways you can start using Bandada in your project:

This is a good option if you are not using TypeScript/JavaScript and want to interact with the Bandada infrastructure.

This is a good option if you are using TypeScript/JavaScript and want to interact with the Bandada infrastructure.

This is a good option if you want to quickly create a Bandada project because you can fork it, clone it or use it as a template.

What is the difference between Semaphore and Bandada?

Semaphore is a zero-knowledge protocol that allows users to prove their membership in a group and send messages, such as votes or feedback, without revealing their identity. It also provides a simple mechanism to prevent double-signaling. Semaphore works both off-chain and on EVM-compatible chains.

Bandada is an infrastructure for managing privacy-preserving groups. It also provides anti-sybil mechanisms by using credential groups, ensuring that only users meeting specific criteria can join a group.

Semaphore lacks an off-chain infrastructure for managing groups or storing group members, but Bandada fills this gap by simplifying the management of off-chain Semaphore groups. Though Semaphore and Bandada groups are different, they are fully compatible and work well together.

Joining a Semaphore group often requires an anti-sybil mechanism. Bandada integrates this functionality through its credentials package and invite codes functionality.

Bandada is well-suited for managing large groups, as it enables server-side creation of Merkle proofs, an approach that is especially useful when the group size is too large for client-side processing.

While Bandada does not have integrated zero-knowledge (zk) capabilities, it can be paired with Semaphore to add zk functionality to an application.

Semaphore provides a robust on-chain infrastructure for groups, which Bandada leverages for its own on-chain group management.

In summary, Semaphore and Bandada serve different purposes and offer distinct functionalities, but they are fully compatible and work effectively together.